Google Summit
Today I have gone to Hornby Primary School for the Google summit and only Miss Raisin's Literacy class gets to go if their notice has been signed. A Google summit is where other schools get to learn some websites like coding.
I am a Year 6 student in the Uru Mānuka Cluster. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Google Summit
Today I have gone to Hornby Primary School for the Google summit and only Miss Raisin's Literacy class gets to go if their notice has been signed. A Google summit is where other schools get to learn some websites like coding.
This week during literacy we have been writing information reports of New Zealand native birds so I chose Fantails.
This week and last week I have been learning about Hurricanes and the subtitles about Hurricanes are Speed, Duration/How Long, Direction, Habitat, Classification, Behaviour, Appearance.
This week, During literacy, we get to learn about our favourite animals and some facts about them such as Habitat, Special Features, Diet, and Reproduction.