
Thursday, 24 June 2021

Google Summit Of What I have learned

 Google Summit

Today I have gone to Hornby Primary School for the Google summit and only Miss Raisin's Literacy class gets to go if their notice has been signed. A Google summit is where other schools get to learn some websites like coding.

What are the things I learnt was Codey Rocky, Coggle, Animaker, and Scratch (Not Scratch Jr) I can tell you one of the coding websites all about it. Coggle is about writing some notes like brainstorm writings. You can write about some other types of species animals or food.
Here is my Example.

REFLECTION: I think people can learn about these coding websites and I can use them for my learning and for my free time at home. I can show others how these learning objects are useful and can help you code way better.

QUESTION: Have you ever done these learning objects? Or is there any more that I can try? Let me know in the comments!

Bye Thank you for Reading! Hope you enjoyed it!

Tuesday, 15 June 2021



This week during literacy we have been writing information reports of New Zealand native birds so I chose Fantails.

I think that Fantails can be nice to others and I think that children might want to have a pet bird like a fantail or something but I never knew that their fanned tail can help them catch insects.

Have you ever seen a fantail? Let me know in the comments!

What Are Hurricanes (Read This To Learn Mind Blown Facts About Hurricanes)


This week and last week I have been learning about Hurricanes and the subtitles about Hurricanes are Speed, Duration/How Long, Direction, Habitat, Classification, Behaviour, Appearance.

I think that others can learn about Hurricanes but I don't know how to survive one and there are many facts that I didn't know about Hurricanes and I think others can learn from this too.

Have you ever been through a Hurricane let me know!

Bye Hope You Enjoy!

Friday, 4 June 2021

Parrots Information Report


This week, During literacy, we get to learn about our favourite animals and some facts about them such as Habitat, Special Features, Diet, and Reproduction.

This is an Information Report about Parrots in a Google Doc.

There are facts I didn't know about Parrots but now I know why. I think other children will be able to learn about Parrots or any other animals they like.

What have you learnt about Parrots that are not in here? Or tell me any other animal facts.

Bye Hope You Enjoy It!